The British Breed Standard of Whippet


General appearance
Balanced combination of muscular power and strength with elegance and grace of outline. Built for speed and work. All forms of exaggeration should be avoided.

An ideal companion. Highly adaptable in domestic and sporting surroundings.

Gentle, affectionate, even disposition.

Head and skull
Long and lean, flat on top tapering to muzzle with slight stop, rather wide between the eyes, jaws powerful and clean-cut, nose black, in blues a bluish colour permitted, in livers a nose of the same colour, in whites or parti-colour a butterfly nose permissible.

Oval, bright, expression very alert.

Rose-shaped, small, fine in texture.

Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissors bite, i.e upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Long, muscular, elegantly arched.

Shoulders oblique and muscular, blades carried up to top of spine, where they are clearly defined. Forelegs straight and upright, front not too wide, pasterns strong with slight spring, elbows set well under body.

Chest very deep with plenty of heart room, brisket deep, well defined, broad back, firm, somewhat long, showing definite arch over loin but not humped. Loin giving impression of strength and power, ribs well sprung, muscular on back.


Strong, broad across thighs, stifles well bent, hocks well let down, well developed second thighs, dogs able to stand over a lot of ground and show great driving power.

Very neat, well split up between toes, knuckles well arched, pads thick and strong.

No feathering. Long, tapering, when in action carried in a delicate curve upward but not over back.

Free, hindlegs coming well under body for propulsion. Forelegs thrown well forward low over the ground, true coming and going. General movement not to look stilted, high stepping, short or mincing.

Fine, short, close in texture.

Any colour or mixture of colours.

Height: dogs: 47-51 cm ( 18½-20 ins ); bitches: 44-47 cm ( 17-18½ ins )

Any departure from the foregoing point should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

This page is updated: 06 June 1999